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M i s s e d   t h e   b e g i n n i n g?       P r e s s  c o v e r a g e     R a  i  d :   T h e   p i c s !

P O L I C E S T A T E   @   K R E U Z P L A T Z ,   P a r t  1 0 :

Question: Are you allowed to legally document Police brutality?
Answer: Go have a try!

«Every time I see
a camera ...»

First conclusions in legal proceedings
SSI-Media vs. Stadtpolizei Zurich
for abuse of authority.

Dear friends of bad taste                        Zurich, 2.10.01

Now it's official: Police files and Protocols of the inquiry against fallible city police officers evidence of illegal procedures at Stapo Zurich cultivated since decades! [Emphasizes in quotes by SSI]

«... I need hollow point ammunition!»

Raid: Punitive expedition for
«photographing» and «filming» officers

House search without search warrant and confiscations not only of concearned negative film and videotape without statements were acts of revenge of police – because of Anger and Soulless supposably «taking pictures» and «secretly filming»!

«At a closer look I realized someone taking pictures of us. I told this my colleagues. Out of reasons of self protection - we didn't surely know, if only pictures were taken or if we even were threatened by a weapon at that point of time - we pushed open the door.» (EP X. Y., ??.8.01, p. 2)

«Anger and Soulless were taking pictures of the turning out officers during the whole operation. That's why we were forced to take urgent steps whereupon we confiscated several items.» (statement of Pb B. S., 15.9.00, p. 3)

Despite not being illegal to take pictures of police officers on duty on public ground or at your private home, concerned officers generally confiscate films and negatives following «instructions from the top» with the (nowhere legally anchored) explanation to have to check whether «forbidden» (EP B. S., 29.8.01, p. 5) or «illegal portraits» (EP S. H., 14.8.01, p. 4) were taken. Countless examples give proof of regular threats and partly massive physical violencewhile doing so. If confiscated films provide documentary evidence of police brutality, they frequently get «unfortunately» «destroyed by mistake» (see a.o. incidents of 1. Mai und 19. August of this year).

Not only the raid at hand is giving proof of a police being eager of using up a couple of films to get them analyzed by the political police.

Out of the photograph album of political police:
Original police photos "Task Force Blast + Attacks"

>>> M o r e   p i c s <<<

Wrongful deprivation of personal liberty

While several officers searched through all rooms of the house repeated times and items were confiscated, Soulless and Anger were unlawfully and forcibly kept hold in the first floor. «The two inhabitants were guarded by two city police officers. […] I can't tell with hundred percent guarantee, if the men were bound, but I don't think so. They were depraved of their personal liberty in so far as they were not allowed to move in the house nor to make phonecalls.» (EP Y. Z., ??.8.01, p. 5)

Despite instructions about house searches and confiscations only being lawful in the presence of the affected person, above described procedure is an illegal procedure ordered and tolerated «from the top» since decades – and also applied e.g. at the BLUTGEIL-Raid 1993.

«No confiscations» and other excuses

«The two squatters repeatedly accused us of illegal acting, not only the forced entry, but also the confiscations.» (EP Q.R., ??.8.01, p. 4)

Auf frischer Tat ertappt ...
All rooms were «roughly inspected» and «superficially looked through» several times (Kapo-report 25.7.01, p. 7 a. 15) – in «first and foremost» search for (and confiscation if found) «persons» (EP X. Y., ??.8.01, p. 5, 15), and a.o. «weapons» (report of Pb B. S., 15.9.00, p. 3), «BM [= ger. Betäubungsmittel, egl. anaesthetics, i.e. drugs]» (EP Y. Z., ??.8.01, p. 2), «piles of flyers» (EP B. S., 29.8.01, p. 4), «several film props of the movie "Blutgeil"» (report of Pb B. S., 15.9.00, p. 2), an «empty videocover» (EP B. S., 29.8.01, p. 4), «suspicious items » aso., while also «drawers happened to get opened and their content superficially looked through». But at least in the living room and the adjoining office room «nothing got broken up and searched throughly» (EP B. S., 29.8.01, p. 4).

Nevertheless «no actual house search» nor «confiscations» were ordered, carried out or tolerated according to explanations of responsible superiors. That's also the reason why there was no need for a statement of confiscated items (EP S. H., 14.8.01, p. 5). Of the items confiscated without receipt, the unit's commander Cpl S. H. claimed only having noticed the Videotape with allegedly «illegal portraits of police officers» that he took himself, getting «knowledge of further confiscations later, after the end of the mission back at the police station» (EP S. H., 14.8.01, p. 4f.). Nevertheless the whole lot of confiscated items were forwarded to the political police.

Their responsible Chief Fw mbA Erwin Zünd, ordering and coordinating the mission, also denies having ordered a raid and confiscations. But afterwards he personally ordered Cpl S. H. to «hand out all confiscated items» «to investigate, if they connect to a criminal offence» (report E. Zünd 9.5.01, p. 2).

Police even claims of confiscation with consent of the inhabitants!! (EP B. S., 29.8.01, p. 4) And to top it all claiming the «cleaning staff at the police station» mistook the bag bursting with «confiscated» items for garbage and disposed it by mistake. (EP B. S., 29.8.01, p. 3)

No interrogation of superiors and other «coincidences»

Also proven wrong is the repeated claim of E. Zünd, Chief of political police, that we forcibly refused the workers access to the house, his reason for the massive, but necessary and justified police action (see Kapo-report of 25.7.01, p. 13). Nevertheless responsible chief Zünd was left aside in the investigations. Coincidence?
At the same time an involved officer Pb B. S., who carried out most of the confiscations before the very eyes of his superior Cpl S. H. (but «without my knowledge» and «on his own», see EP S. H., 14.8.01, p. 4) was not reported to the investigating authorities (see letter Kapo to J. Zingg, Chief legal department Stapo, 31.7.01; reply 13.8.01: «no further acting officers known», see also report Kapo 25.7.01, p. 10). Coincidence?

Just in time for anniversary
"1 year raid without search warrant":

T h e   E m p i r e  s t r i k e s   b a c k !

Continue …

Dienstkreis V
Gesch-Nr: 210220 Zürich, 13. September 2001
  [Poststempel vom 17.Sept.]
       Seelenlos      Wari
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Sehr geehrter Herr Seelenlos
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Vous êtes prié(e) de vous présenter
  am Donnerstag, 20 Sept 2001, 08.00 Uhr
  [verschoben auf 2. Okt. 15:00 Uhr, da Beamter vorher in Ferien]
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B L U T G E I L   H o m e
P i c t u r e s   w e   l o v e   t o   s e e  !
Part 1:  
W I T H  C H A I N S A W S !
Part 2:  W I T H  O P E N   F L A P …  The confiscated photos!
Part 3:  
S U N D A Y   M E S S E N G E R   S E R V I C E !

W i t h  t h e  w e a p o n s  o f  c u l t u r e   . . .
C L I C K  H E R E  !
C L I C K  H E R E  ! 

No.  6'666'667
Switzerland is a democratic country, where artists have the choice between prison, armed resistance or exile.

B L U T G E I L     F O T O     G A L L E R Y     Part I
What the censor wanted to withhold from you -  and how uninhibited "average spectators" respond to it!
B L O O DB A T H   I N   U R D O R F   ! ! !       T H E   P I C S   ! !
C u r r e n t   n o w  :     S L O W  G R I N D  ! ! !        V e r s i o n     1 . 5
Update 20.11.01   A R T   I N   J A I L

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