e n g l i s h   P a g e s

Veranstaltung, Veranstaltungen Live Show

PigBrother documents Police Weapons, Police Brutality, Typical Injuries etc. and spreads the cases to the media a.o. by e-mail newsletters. Because of that, members of the staff got sued by the cops 5 times in order to gag them and bring the page offline. Commercial media often reprint their reports, though without giving credit. In their Multi Media Live Show, Soulless and Anger present a survey about the documented cases and weapons.

>>> more Info about the PigBrother Live Show

>>> Soulless & Anger Bio (in German)

PigBrother Live Shows


Next Shows:

nothing scheduled atm

Wanna host a PigBrother Live Show?
Get in touch:

Shows 2006/07

Mo 13.2.06, Genf @ Aubonne Campaign (CH)
Mi 15.2.06, Live Show THE BLUTGEIL CASE, Larc (London)
Fr 17.2.06, rampART (London)
So 19.2, Kebele Social Center, Bristol (UK)
Mi 22.2.06, Live Show THE BLUTGEIL CASE,
     The Forest, Edinburgh (UK)
Do 23.206, Saorsa, Glasgow (UK)
Fr 24.2.06, The Commonplace, Leeds (UK)
So 26.2.06, The Square (London)
Do 27.4.06, Humboldt Universität (Berlin)
Di 2.5.06: Screening INJUSTICE
     mit Intro von Seelenlos über letzte Entwicklungen,
     Jean Charles de Menezes & NO SHOOT TO KILLKampagne
     Sama32 (Berlin)
So 7.5.06: Live Show THE BLUTGEIL CASE,
     Kebele Social Center, Bristol (UK)
Do 11.5.06, Cowley Club, Brighton (UK)
Mi 24.5.06, KuZeB Bremgarten (CH) [ Bilder ]
Sa 27.5.06, Input "Evian G8 2003, Polizei & Repression",
     Buko, TU (Berlin) [Manuskript]
Mi 14.6.06, Reitschule Infoladen, Bern (CH)
Mi 12.7.06, Beamer (Berlin)
Di 18.7.06, Live Show THE BLUTGEIL CASE,
     Sama32 (Berlin)
Sa 9.9.06, Live Show THE BLUTGEIL CASE,
     SO36 (Berlin)
Fr 22.9.06: Screening INJUSTICE   mit Intro
      Forest Cafe Edinburgh (UK)
Sat Sept 23: Seomra Spraoi, Dublin (Ireland)
So 24.9.06, Dublin (Ireland)

Wed Sept 27: National University Ireland, Maynooth
Sat Sept 30: Dungloe Bar, Derry (Northern Ireland)
Mon Oct 9: East Oxford Community Centre, Oxford
Thur Oct 27: Rampart, London
Mi 15.11.06, KTS, Freiburg i. Br. (D)
Mi 29.11.06, Kalki, Zürich (CH)
Mi 17.1.07: Screening INJUSTICE
     mit Intro von Seelenlos über letzte Entwicklungen,
     Jean Charles de Menezes & NO SHOOT TO KILLKampagne
     Kalki, Zürich (CH)
Do 22.3.07: Göttingen (D), Theaterkeller
Fr 23.3.07: Erfurt (D), Topf und Söhne
Sa 14.4.07: Freiburg i. Br. (D), KTS


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SSI-media      BLUTGEIL      RAZZIA      HIRNFICK      Zensur      SLOW GRIND     SSI english