informs:   >>> Newsflash trial Nov. 6th '02    >>> Judgement «2nd class not guilty»
                               >>> Photogallery trial Nov. 6th '02

1st trial against
and more legal proceedings against

About the trials against

Whoever in Zurich reports (too) critically about police and authorities (and even institutes legal proceedings against the fallibles officials), doesn't have to worry about reprisals. The trial on 6th November 2002 marks the beginning of a little avalanche of proceedings against This first proceeding came to court in 14 months (including 2 interrogations, rejection of the first charge, a third interrogation and a - clearly expanded - 2nd charge). In comparison waits since over two years for the brutalo-police officers only to be interrogated ( instituted legal proceedings against police officers ransacking our editorial office with the threat of force of firearms, but without search warrant or -report, taking posession of foto- and videofilms and a pile of editorial papers, which they "destroyed by mistake". Instead several proceedings are quickly taken against the editorial staff of - under such meaningful titles as "subversive campaign against police and state", "links to child pornography", "gloryfication of violence", "wearing t-shirts with advertising for in public", "taking illegal portrait pictures of police officers", "hindering police officers from official duty", a.s.o. Now Soulless stands again as first accused before the judge. Anger got his forcibly "confiscated" camera on 1st May 2002 back, but without the video-tape inside of course. It is questionable if he will get back the video-tape at all and if yes, before the trial?
>>> chronology 2000-2003 of each proceeding
>>> charge for other pages despite missing links or connections
>>> denunciation by an employee of the institute for journalism and media science
>>> forwarding via Interpol Wiesbaden / Germany
>>> investigations by Kantonspolizei dept. 2 sex crimes
>>> main thing is: something will surely keep on sticking

... Newsflash «public trial» 6.11.
... >>> about the trials

--> 2/3 of the people had to party outside despite 6 empty seats inside the courtroom at the beginning of the trial. For two leaving persons, only one was permitted to enter, so there were 7 empty seats in total. Every person with access permission was first hollywoodlike frisked from head to toe by sociable officers in rubber gloves, then X-rayed before they were allowed to take a seat under the supervision of police officers friendly forming a guard of honour.
--> the lawyer was pleading again for no-authorization of the even "funnier" 2nd charge and for rejection to the responsible district attorney. But the judge didn't want to pass judgement without further study of the files. That's why the lawyer had to present a 2nd pleading in case of the judge refusing the rejection. The accused was acting less virtual: he outrageously complained several times about the inadmissible intrusion on constitutional rights with the only goal to keep him from documenting police violence on the internet.
--> the judge will decide later and deliver discreet and quietly his judgement in written.
--> in the concurring reporting of the "official medias" there is no word about the history and background of the trial. Coincidence?

M i s s e d   t h e   b e g i n n i n g?        P r e s s  c o v e r a g e         R a i d :   T h e   p i c s !
Against Stupidity and Censorship!!!

>>> Jan. 9th 2003 in the mail: The VERDICT dated Nov. 6th '02

Despite the "not guilty" verdict, there is no reason to cheer!

On the one hand the judgement is not final. On the occasion of the interrogations, District Attorney Wehrli virtually promised not to forward a "not guilty" verdict to a higher court – hardly a reason to prevent the public prosecutor of ...

On the other hand the judgement is definitely a 2nd class "not guilty": Judge Guggenbuehl explicitely records, that some – admittedly completely groundless to absurd and off beat – accusations paired with the friendly threat to ban some unpleasant homepages plus another 20 days in prison, is not a reason by any means for an artist to feel hurt in his personal freedom, let alone an intrusion in his private life or a damage to his emotional health! A little arbitrariness plus torture never did no harm to nobody - and the others wanted it that way … You bet, despite repeated accusations and harassing trial conditions less than half of the real costs for the lawyer is being reimbursed - main thing is, the unpleasant sites will finally go offline!!!

(Read the whole judgement in German)

K e e p   s i l e n t ,  and you're  g u i l t y   t o o ! 


>>> Chronology 2000-2003 <<<

>>>There are more trials to come!

--> How Zurich Polizei and Public Prosecutors want to shut all our homepages down (incl. documentation of files and press voices):

>>> Against Stupidity and Censorship!!!

--> How Zurich Polizei illegally raids the editorial office of, making illegal confiscations of e.g. editorial papers, negative-film, videotape and filmprops, without a protocol, later to be "thrown away accidentally by the cleaning lady" -- and how the Public Persecutor delays the proceedings against responsible officers:

>>> Policestate @ Kreuzplatz!!!


SSI, P.O.B. 2122, CH-8031 Zurich
079 402 5667


[ E N T E R   B L U T G E I L   I N T R O ]