Boom-Boom-Boom motorbass sound systems


Can you feel the BASS???

For most styles of modern dance and electronic music, bass-response down to way below 40 hz is crucial. That's why for the "low end" we at only use blocks of 4-8 Servodrive Bass Tech 7, the famous motor-driven subwoofers that deliver incredible, earthshaking, linear sound pressure levels down to frequencies as low as 25 hz for maximum pleasure of effect!!! You'll never be satisfied again with anything less once you FEEL THE DIFFERENCE!

info & booking: bass at
 +41 79 402 5667 c/o SSI, P.O.B. 2122, CH-8031 Zurich

Aug & Ohr Festival 23./24.2.07 @ Kaserne ZH



powered by SubSonicImpact, Verein zur Förderung der Basskultur,
a non-profit organization dedicated to support bass culture

No.  6'666'667